Latest Updates on Google Data Analytics (June 2024)

6 min readJul 16, 2024

The highlights of the updates on BigQuery, Looker Studio, Google Analytics (GA) & Google Tag Manager (GTM). By Alexander Junke

In this blog post, I want to summarize the new releases from the Google tools, that we use daily in datadice. Therefore I want to give an overview of the new features of BigQuery, Dataform, Looker Studio, Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager. Furthermore, I will focus on the releases that I consider to be the most important ones and I will also name some other changes that were made.‍

If you want to take a closer look, here you can find the Release Notes from BigQuery, Dataform, Looker Studio, Google Analytics & Google Tag Manager.


Tags for datasets

The new BigQuery tables are all quick and easy to explain.

You are already able to add tags to tables to have more granular control over the user permissions. Now the same behavior is possible for datasets. You can add tags to datasets and grant permissions for single users to several tags.

Add tags to datasets

Scheduling notebooks

After publishing the new BigQuery Studio environment you can also use Jupyter Notebooks more native in BigQuery.

Now it is possible to run these notebooks regularly. The output will be pushed to a Cloud Storage bucket which you select during the setup of the schedule creation.

More information can be found here.

JupyterLab plugin

This new BigQuery JupyterLab plugin supports you in exploring your data.

After installing the plugin, you should see in JupyerLab the BigQuery datasets you selected during installation.

In there, you can execute notebooks or deploying a DataFrame notebook.

How to do this all you can take a look here.‍


New Dataform framework

There is the 3.0.0 framework for Dataform available.

This update is about the dataform.json which is the workflow_settings.yaml now. In existing repositories, you do not need to make the change. If you want to convert you can look at this guide.

The changes you can check in one of our older blog posts (under New Beta version).

Manual compilation details

When you manually trigger a new compilation for a release configuration they are shown in a separate table now.

In Dataform, after selecting the repository > Releases and Scheduling > Selecting the needed release configuration you see the wanted details.

The first list shows all automatic compilation results and the list below the manual executions.

Release configuration details

‍Looker Studio

Group Others

This functionality was already there before, but now it is available for more chart types and I think it is a good moment to show this feature again.‍

In most of the charts you have in the configurations, the possibility to limit the number of entries, and the rest will be grouped as “Others”.‍

Group others option

‍This option is useful, to show the amount of certain dimensions in comparison to the total rest of not shown values.

Pie chart: The yellow pie is “Others”, Table: The last line shows “Others”

‍This option is now available for:

  • Table charts
  • Time series charts
  • Bar charts
  • Column charts
  • Pie charts
  • Line/Combo charts
  • Area charts
  • Pivot table charts
  • Treemap charts‍

New settings for data labels

In certain chart types like Bar, Line, or Area charts you can add data labels now. The look of these labels can be customized in the usual settings like font size, color, font type, background and more.‍

Data label options

Note: If you select “Bar label position: Above” you can not change the color of the font.‍

Colored labels in bar diagram

Bin field type

The Bin field type is a new calculated field you can create in your Looker Studio dashboards/data sources.

With this new field, you can set ranges for a chosen value and the bin field you can use as a dimension in your charts then.

Let us take a look at how to set up this field type:

  • You can create this field type in the data source or directly in the chart
  • To create it in the datasource, go to the fields list of the datasource > click on Add a Field > Add bin
Create a bin calculated field

‍Note: In the example we are using the equal-sized bin configuration. You can also use the custom-sized setting, where you can select every single breakdown on your own.‍

Then you can use this bin field as a dimension e.g. in a bar chart:

Order Ranges

Google Analytics

Advertising segments

Under advertising > Tools > Advertising segments you can see the advertising segments. These are GA audiences that are connected with advertised products.‍

The same segments can be found in the audience segments in the GAds Audience Manager. In additionally to the segment names you can see the audience size for Search, YouTube, Display, and Gmail campaigns

List of segments

‍Key event rate in acquisitions reports

In one of the last blog posts I already described the idea behind key events.

Long story short: Conversions in Google Analytics are now called key events.‍

The acquisition reports on user or session level includes the key event rate now. The rate describes in how many sessions a key event happened or for how many users. You can define if all key events should be taken into account or just one of them.

Acquisition report

‍Custom event data import

Uploading data to GA4 you can already do. So it was possible to add data for costs, items, user data, …. And now you can also upload custom event data.

You need to start in the admin section of your property and click on Data Collection and Modification > Data import.‍

Import Custom Events

How to properly build the CSV and select the key and import fields you can check out here.

Google Tag Manager

Tag Diagnostics Tool

Finally, the first bigger update for GTM in the year 2024!

It is a new quality analysis tool for your general tracking. You see it on the overview page of your GTM container.

Tag Manager Overview

When you click on “View 1 issue”, you see a detailed list of recommended actions:

Action Items

Possible feedbacks are:

  • Some of your pages are not tagged
  • Missing conversion linkers
  • Additional domains detected for configuration

Google additionally announced that more checks and recommendations are upcoming in the future.

Upcoming datadice blog posts for this month

  • Power BI — Coming Soon
  • Eza Terminal — Coming Soon

Further Links

This post is part of the Google Data Analytics series from datadice and explains to you every month the newest features in BigQuery, Data Studio, Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager.

Follow us on LinkedIn for insights into our daily work and important updates on BigQuery, Data Studio, and marketing analytics.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel for discussions on Data Warehouse, BigQuery, Looker Studio, and Google Tag Manager.

If you are interested in learning BigQuery from scratch, get access to our free BigQuery Course

Elevate your skills with Google Data Studio and BigQuery by enrolling in our Udemy course.

Need help setting up a modern, cost-efficient data warehouse or analytical dashboard? Email us at to schedule a call.‍

Originally published at




Data Analytics Boutique, based in Coburg, DE. Building modern, customized and cloud-based data warehouse solutions.